- Physical Salt Attack on Concrete: Mechanisms, Influential Factors, and Protection, by M.R. Sakr, M.T. Bassuoni, R.D. Hooton, T. Drimalas, H. Haynes, and K.J. Folliard, ACI Materials Journal, Vol. 117, Iss. 6, Nov 2020, pages 253-268
- Physical Salt Attack on Concrete, by H. Haynes and M. T. Bassuoni, Concrete International, Vol. 33, No. 11, Nov 2011, pages 38-42
- Salt Weathering of Concrete by Sodium Carbonate and Sodium Chloride, by H.H. Haynes, R. O'Neill, M. Neff and P.K. Mehta, ACI Materials Journal, Vol. 107, No. 3, May-June 2010, pages 258-266
- Salt Weathering Distress on Concrete Exposed to Sodium Sulfate Environment, by H.H. Haynes, R. O'Neill, M. Neff and P.K. Mehta. ACI Materials Journal, V. 105, Jan-Feb, 2008 pp. 35-43
- A Mechanism of Distress to Concrete During Crystallization of Mirabilite, by Harvey Haynes, Seventh CANMET/ACI International Conference On Durability of Concrete, Supplemental Volume, Montreal, June 2006
- ASTM C88 Test on Soundness of Aggregate Using Sodium Sulfate or Magnesium Sulfate: A Study of the Mechanisms of Damage, by Harvey Haynes, Journal of ASTM International, Vol. 2, No. 1, January 2005, Paper ID JAI12517, available online at www.astm.org
- Sulfate Attack on Concrete: Laboratory versus Field Experience, by H.H. Haynes, Concrete International, July 2002, pages 64-70
- Thermal Cracking in Laser-Screeded Concrete Slabs, by H.H. Haynes, American Concrete Institute - Special Publication on Design and Constructiuon Practices to Mitigate Cracking, SP 204, 2001, pages 43-56
- Sulfate Attack on Concrete: Laboratory versus Field Experience, by H.H. Haynes, Supplemental Papers - Fifth CANMET/ACI International Conference on Durability of Concrete, Barcelona, Spain, June 2000, pages 57-72
- Concrete Deterioration from Physical Attack by Salts, by H.H. Haynes, R. O'Neill and P.K. Mehta, Concrete International, January 1996, pages 63-68
- Deterioration of Concrete From Salt Crystallization, by H.H. Haynes and R. O'Neill, P.K. Mehta Symposium on Durability of Concrete, American Concrete Institute, Nice, France, May 1994
- Local Problem of Concrete Foundation Deterioration by Salts in Soils, by H.H. Haynes, Technical Bulletin, Northern California and Western Nevada Chapter Newsletter, American Concrete Institute, November 1992
- Investigation of Rebar Corrosion in a Reinforced Concrete Subway Tunnel, by H.H. Haynes, A. Kakade, and K. Howell, Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress on Experimental Mechanics, Las Vegas, NV, by Society For Experimental Mechanics, Volume 1, June 1992, pages 475-482
- Underwater Stilling Basin Repair Techniques, Using Precast or Prefabricated Elements, by H.H. Haynes and R. D. Rail, Technical Report REMR-CS-38, U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS, December 1991
- Finding the Cause of a Rust-stained Floor, by H.H. Haynes and A. Kakade, Concrete Repair Digest, October 1990, Pages 15-17
- Handbook for Design of Undersea, Pressure - Resistant Concrete Structures, by H.H. Haynes and R.D. Rail, Technical Note TN-1760, Civil Engineering Laboratory, NCBC, Port Hueneme, CA, October 1986
- Discussion of Paper: Cracking - Corrosion Interaction in Concrete Exposed to Marine Environment, by H.H. Haynes, Concrete International,. Volume 5, Number 8, August 1983, pages 51-55
- Future Applications for Concrete Ocean Structures, by H.H. Haynes, XVII Pan-American Union of Engineering Associations (UPADI), Puerto Rico, 1982
- Test and Evaluation of the Magnograph Unit - A Nondestructive Wire Rope Tester, by H.H. Haynes and L.D. Underbakke, Technical Note N-1639, Civil Engineering Laboratory, NCBC, Port Hueneme, CA, July 1982, p 80
- Novel Concepts in Sea Structures, by H.H. Haynes, Ninth Congress of Internationale Federation de la Precontrainte (FIP), Stockholm, Sweden, 1982
- Compressive Strength of Freshly Mixed Concrete Placed, Cured and Tested in the Deep Ocean, by H.H. Haynes and L.D. Underbakke, Marine Technology Society Journal, Volume 15, Number 1, Spring 1981, pages 16-25
- Permeability of Concrete in Sea Water, by H.H. Haynes, ACI SP-69 Performance of Concrete in Marine Environment, American Concrete Institute, August 1982, pages 21-38
- Low-Cycle Fatigue of Fiber Reinforced Concrete Spheres Under Hydrostatic Loading, by H.H. Haynes and M.B. Balachandra, ACI SP-75, Fatigue of Concrete Structures, American Concrete Institute, September 1982, pages 289-305
- Compressive Strength of Freshly Mixed Concrete Placed, Cured and Tested in the Deep Ocean, by H.H. Haynes and L.D. Underbakke, Technical Note N-1603, Civil Engineering Laboratory, NCBC, Port Hueneme, CA, February 1981, p.17
- Nondestructive Test Equipment for Wire Rope, by H.H. Haynes and L.D. Underbakke, Technical Note N-1594, Civil Engineering Laboratory, NCBC, Port Hueneme, CA, October 1980
- Offshore Structure Concepts for Forward Area Port Facilities, by H.H. Haynes, Technical Memorandum TM-44-80-11, Civil Engineering Laboratory, NCBC, Port Hueneme, CA, September 1980. p. 35
- Concrete Sea Structures - Novel Concepts, by H.H. Haynes, FIP Notes 87, Federation Internationale de la Precontrainte, Wezham Springs, UK, July-August 1980, pages 5-9
- Concrete Spherical Structures Subjected to Rapid Loading by External Pressure - An Exploratory Investigation, by H.H. Haynes, Technical Memorandum TM-44-8-6, Civil Engineering Laboratory, NCBC, Port Hueneme, CA, March 1980, p. 42
- Report on NDT Inspection of Wire Rope Using Electromagnetic Equipment, by H.H. Haynes, E.F. Buck and P.C. Zubiate, Jr., Technical Memorandum TM-44-80-2-R, Civil Engineering Laboratory, NCBC, Port Hueneme, CA, March 1980, p. 31
- Lightweight Concrete Using Polymer-Filled Aggregate for Ocean Applications - An Exploratory Investigation, by H.H. Haynes and W.V. Eckroth, Technical Note N-1565, Civil Engineering Laboratory, NCBC, Port Hueneme, CA, December 1979, p. 22
- Design for Implosion of Concrete Cylinder Structures Under Hydrostatic Loading, by H.H. Haynes, Technical Report R-874, Civil Engineering Laboratory, NCBC, Port Hueneme, CA, 1979, p. 81
- External Hydrostatic Pressure Loading of Concrete Cylinder Shells, by H.H. Haynes, W.F. Chen, T.Y. Chang and H. Suzuki, Paper 79-PVP-125, Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, San Francisco, CA, June 1979, p. 12
- Long-Term, Deep Ocean Test of Concrete Spherical Structures - Results After 6 Years, by H.H. Haynes and R. S. Highberg, Technical Report R-869, Civil Engineering Laboratory, NCBC, Port Hueneme, CA, 1979, p. 51
- Proposed Method for Placing Freshly Mixed Concrete in the Deep Ocean, by H.H. Haynes and R. D. Rail, Technical Note N-1544, Civil Engineering Laboratory, NCBC, Port Hueneme, CA, 1979, p. 45
- Guide for the Design and Construction of Fixed Offshore Concrete Structures, Committee Report, (H.H. Haynes, Secretary), Committee 357 on Offshore Concrete Structures, American Concrete Institute, Proceedings, Volume 75, Number 12, December 1978, pages 685-709
- Predicting the Maximum Ocean Depths for Submerged Concrete Structures, by H. H. Haynes and R. S. Highberg, European Offshore Petroleum Conference and Exhibition, London, UK, 1978
- Experimental Implosion Study of Concrete Structures, by H.H. Haynes and K. Runge, Proceedings of Eighth Congress of Internationale Federation de la Precontrainte (FIP), London, UK, 1978
- Deep Ocean Study of Concrete Spheres, by H. H. Haynes and R. S. Highberg, Proceedings of Eighth Congress of Internationale Federation de la Precontrainte (FIP), London, UK, 1978
- Low-Cycle Fatigue Tests of Hollow Concrete Spheres, by H.H. Haynes, M. B. Balachandra and C.F. Bagge Agbabian Associates, Report Number DNA 4433F, El Segundo, CA, April 1978, page 144
- Test Results From Repeated Hydrostatic Loading of Thick-Walled Concrete Spheres, by H.H. Haynes and P.C. Zubiate, Jr., Technical Memorandum TM-44-78-3, Civil Engineering Laboratory, NCBC, Port Hueneme, CA, 1977
- Data From Hydrostatic Test of Concrete Sphere AY-11, by H.H. Haynes and P.C. Zubiate, Jr., Technical Memorandum TM-44-77-8, Civil Engineering Laboratory, NCBC, Port Hueneme, CA, 1977
- Ocean Implosion Test of Concrete (Seacon) Cylindrical Structure, by H.H. Haynes and R.S. Highberg, OTC Paper Number 3011, Proceedings of the Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, TX, 1977
- Fabrication Methods for Concrete Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) Structures, by H.H. Haynes and R.D. Rail, Technical Memorandum TM-44-77-7, Civil Engineering Laboratory, NCBC, Port Hueneme, CA, 1977
- Concrete OTEC Structures - Fabrication Methods, by H.H. Haynes and R.D. Rail, Proceedings of the Fourth Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Conference, New Orleans, LA, 1977
- Concrete Properties at Ocean Depths, by H.H. Haynes and R. S. Highberg, Journal of Waterways Harbors and Coastal Engineering Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Volume 102, Number WW 4, November 1976
- Handbook for the Design of Undersea, Pressure-Resistant Concrete Structures, by H.H. Haynes, Civil Engineering Laboratory, NCBC, Port Hueneme, CA, 1976
- Collapse Behavior of Pressurized Concrete Shells, by H.H. Haynes, Proceedings of the Conference of Behavior of Offshore Structures, the Norwegian Institute of Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 1976
- Concrete For Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Structures, by H.H. Haynes and R. D. Rail, Technical Note N-1448, Civil Engineering Laboratory, NCBC, Port Hueneme, CA, 1976
- Results of Concrete Cylinder Implosion Test Program, by H.H. Haynes, R.S. Highberg and B.A. Nordby, Technical Memorandum M-44-76-4, Civil Engineering Laboratory, NCBC, Port Hueneme, CA, 1976
- Seawater Absorption and Compressive Strength of Concrete at Ocean Depths, by H.H. Haynes, R.S. Highberg and B.A. Nordby, Technical Note N-1436, Civil Engineering Laboratory, NCBC, Port Hueneme, CA, 1974
- Concrete Cylinder Structures Under Hydrostatic Loading, by H.H. Haynes and B.A. Nordby, American Concrete Institute, Proceedings, Volume 73, Number 2, February, 1976 Pages 87-96
- Implosion Criteria and Design Considerations for Concrete Deep Submerged Vessels, by H.H. Haynes, Proceedings of the Conference on Concrete Ships and Vessels, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 1975
- Durability on Concrete in Seawater, by H.H. Haynes and P.K. Mehta, Journal of Structural Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Volume 101, Number ST 8, August 1975
- Feasibility of Submerged Concrete Structures for Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Power Plants, by H.H. Haynes, In Proceedings, Third Workshop on Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC), APL/JHU SR 75-2, The John Hopkins University, 1975
- Concrete Research at the Civil Engineering Laboratory, by H.H. Haynes, Naval Research Review, Volume 28, Number 4, April 1975
- Seafloor Construction Experiment, by T.R. Kretschmer, et al (including H.H. Haynes), Technical Report N-817, Civil Engineering Laboratory, NCBC, Port Hueneme, CA 1975
- Ferro Cement Construction Panels, by H.H. Haynes and G. S. Guthrie, Technical Note N- 1341, Civil Engineering Laboratory, NCBC, Port Hueneme, CA, 1974
- Long-Term Deep Ocean Test of Concrete Spherical Structures, Part I. Fabrication, Emplacement and Initial Inspections, by H.H. Haynes, Technical Report N-805, Civil Engineering Laboratory, Naval Construction Battalion Center (NCBC), Port Hueneme, CA, 1973
- Compressive Strength of 66-Year Old Concrete Submerged in Seawater, by H.H. Haynes and P.C. Zubiate Jr. Technical Note N-1308, Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory, Port Hueneme, CA, 1973
- Design of Pressure-Resistant Concrete Cylindrical Structures, by H.H. Haynes, Lecture Notes, Structures in the Ocean, University of California Extension, Berkeley, CA 1973
- Undersea Concrete Spherical Structures, by H.H. Haynes and L. F. Kahn, Journal of American Concrete Institute, Proceedings, Volume 70, Number 5, May 1973
- Submerged Concrete Structures, by H. H. Haynes, Preprint 1887, Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, TX, 1973
- Hydrostatic Loading of Concrete Spherical Hull Reinforced with Steel Liners, by H.H. Haynes, G.L. Page and R.J. Ross, Technical Report N-785, Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory, Port Hueneme, CA, 1973
- Polymer-Impregnated Concrete Spherical Hulls for Seafloor Structures, by H. H. Haynes and N. D. Albertsen, American Concrete Institute Convention, Hollywood, FL, 1972
- Research and Development of Deep Submergence Concrete Structures, by H. H. Haynes, Proceedings of Symposium on Concrete Sea Structures, Federation Internationale de la Precontrainte (FIP), Tbilisi, USSR, 1972
- Cylindrical Concrete Hulls Under Hydrostatic Loading, by H.H. Haynes, R.J. Ross and N. D. Albertsen, Journal of Structural Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Volume 98, Number ST 6, June 1972
- Behavior of 66-inch OD Concrete Spheres Under Short and Long Term Hydrostatic Loading, by H.H. Haynes and L.F. Kahn, Technical Report N-774, Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory, Port Hueneme, CA 1972
- Flexural Strength of Ferro-Cement, by H.H. Haynes and J.F. Tancreto, Technical Report N-772, Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory, Port Hueneme, CA 1972
- Contributor to: Technological Forecasting, by Marvin J. Cetron, Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers, New York, 2nd Edition, 1971 pages 271-274
- Polymer-Impregnated Concrete Spherical Hulls Under Hydrostatic Loading, by H.H. Haynes and N. D. Albertsen, Technical Report N-753, Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory, Port Hueneme, CA, 1971
- Experimental Studies on Concrete Spherical Hulls Under Hydrostatic Loading, by H.H. Haynes and L.F. Kahn, Proceedings of the International Association of Shell Structures, Symposium of Hydromechanically Loaded Shells, Honolulu, HI, 1971
- Cylindrical Concrete Hulls Under Hydrostatic Loading, by H.H. Haynes and N.D. Albertsen, ASCE National Meeting on Structural Engineering, 1971
- Concrete Hulls for Undersea Applications, by H.H. Haynes, L.F. Kahn and J.D. Stachiw, Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE, Volume 97, April 1971
- Undersea Concrete Habitats, by H. H. Haynes and L.F. Kahn, Ocean Industry, Volume 5, Number 10, October 1970
- Influence of Length-To-Diameter Ratio on Behavior of Concrete Cylindrical Hulls Under Hydrostatic Loading, by H.H. Haynes and R.J. Ross, Technical Report N-696, Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory, Port Hueneme, CA. 1970
- Failure of Thick-Walled Concrete Spheres Subjected to Hydrostatic Loading, by H.H. Haynes and R.A. Hoofnagle, Technical Report N-679, Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory, Port Hueneme, CA 1970
- Concrete Hulls for Undersea Applications, by H.H. Haynes, L.F. Kahn and J.D. Stachiw, ASCE Proceedings of Conference on Civil Engineering in the Oceans II, 1969
- Investigation of Fiber Reinforcement Methods for Thin Shell Concrete, by H.H. Haynes, Technical Note N-979, Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory, Port Hueneme, CA, 1968
- Behavior of Structural Elements in the Deep Ocean, by H.H. Haynes and R. A. Breckenridge, ASCE Proceedings of Conference on Civil Engineering in the Oceans I, 1967
- Diagonal Tension Cracking in Reinforced Concrete T-Beams, by H.H. Haynes, Master Degree Thesis for the University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 1966